
Lets get making our streets and estates into urban orchard for everyone to have free fresh food!

The middle path

 Was out walking with a friend last week who is an auruvedic doctor and we were talking about cold water.  He was saying that one of the reasons many people are liking it is because we are over heating.  Something to do with the fire elements he was saying.  I always think society lives and promotes way too much yang.  For me everything is yin and yang and we are all at different levels of this spectrum.  Yin is cold - yang is fire and it's up to us to find the middle path.  This is pic a from about 5 years ago when I was only really starting to get deeper into my spiritual practices. I still had much yang elements in me and I used to love the cold water. It was no bother for me to get into ice water. It had a very calming effect on me. Fast forward 5 years later and I know I'm not as much in the yang elements anymore. I'm a bit more chilled with myself than I was back then with all my planting and chanting and following the Buddha path.  Last wee...

Time for us to go!

 Think it's time for me and wee betty to get out of this cabin, it's litterally falling apart.    Must be nearly 7 years now we are here and it's served it's purpose for me. But it's time to go! I have a new spot to build a new cabin and I'm going to make a start on this very soon.  Hopefully I'll be all good to move in for spring. Getting a prefab cabin made.  Someone close to me gifted me a small plot of land to move onto a while back. I had my hopes set to move on here but now this person is struggling themselves and took the land back. Which has left me up a bad creek without a paddle.  I just need to get settled here in my own place as soon as possible.  This is one one area of my life I really need to get sorted.  If you want to help me on this please feel free too on the link below.  Once I get my basic needs sorted here it will allow me to carry on fulfilling my life purpose in creating orchards for all.

272 apple trees planted!

 Last of the trees at the new Lisnabreeny community orchard all planted up yesterday. And what a day we got for it, Sun was shining! 272 Irish apple trees in total all planted up! This is the most amount of apple trees I've ever planted in one go! What was so nice to see yesterday was some family members have been up visiting their trees already leaving down stuff next to the trees. We got all the orchard tidied up and the place is looking amazing, what a feeling getting this all done. For the rest of my life I'm going to keep on planting community orchards, thatching the land with Irish apple trees leaving behind forests! A guy said to me yesterday in the gym as I'm bouncing around, walking on my hands, doing pistol squats and skin the cats on the bars like a child in the park, he said what type of training is that? I said this is the type of training thats going to keep me planting and chaniting till I'm 100 years old. I'm leaving behind whole rainforests by the t...

Thats it all planted up!

 Last of the trees planted!

Nearly 300 apple trees planted.

 Nearly all the 300 native Irish apple trees have been planted at our new Lisnabreeny community orchard.  Just a handful more to be planted out today and that'll be it all done! This is the first ever orchard I've planned and planted up all from scratch.  From selecting the variety of cuttings, growing and caring for them for the past year and now they've been planted out to become a massive community orchard for all to enjoy native apples like you've never tasted before.  It's all been finished up in good time too as it's the end of January when we gather up more cuttings/scions for grafting more apple trees this Spring.  We have already expanded our polytunnel to triple the size to allow us to produce 1000 native Irish apple trees every year.  This new community orchard we have setup is a prototype and start to many more that we plan to plant up all around Belfast and beyond in the coming years.  All this work needs supported guys and I really hate g...

Great day at the HQ.

 Great day at the phantom planters HQ yesterday. Good turnout to help tidy up and weed around the memorial trees at the orchard. Its good to go back and let the trees know you care for them, some of the trees looked amazing after getting a good prune and weeding around the base. 20 years from now this place is going to look like some fancy orchard you'd find in a royal walled garden estate. Only this orchard is going to be better right in the middle of a Belfast council estate. You really never know how far your ripples go, the other day this woman came to my showroom to buy a mattress, we got chatting and something clicked with her and she said, your not who I think you are?? in an all taken back approach!  I said whos that?  dont know what your talking about I said. She said your that planter man!! The man that runs around planting fruit trees. I said, ah no way you got me!! But she went on to say that it was from following my page that her garden is a jungle right now,...

Spread the buddha blessings!

 We have Buddhist blessed raspberries at our orchard that I got from a Buddhist monastery many years ago. Blessed by a Tibetan lama and phantom planted in Belfast! They have taken over our orchard and they give out 2 crops a year which I hear is unusual.  I always say that because they are Buddhist blessed!  Today a friend of mine dug a couple of tubs worth out to plant on his farm spreading the Buddha blessings far and wide phantom style!  Peace and love  The Phantom Planter