
Lets get making our streets and estates into urban orchard for everyone to have free fresh food!

Phantom planting memories!

 As the years go on my phantom planted fruit trees are producing more and more fruit. What a thing to watch guys and as I keep adding more fruit trees to our streets and estates life has never been more exciting or as rewarding! This tree is pretty special to me, I phantom planted this one with my son around 9 years or so ago and nearly every year we have went back and ate fruit from this phantom planted apple tree growing by the road in the middle of Belfast! Start making phantom planter memories today with your loved ones, get out there and plant some fruit trees in your streets and estates!  I've been adding all the trees we phantom plant to a map where everyone can go on and find themselves some free fruit to eat.   This will be my lifelong contribution to nature and the community for me.  I believe we all need to contribute something to nature and our communities. The energies of the world are so out of balance. All my life I was part of destruction, destruction of nature and

Yesterday's video.

 Here is yesterday's video on YouTube for you guys to warch if you you want, it was too big to uplaod on here. That took a lot of courage for me yesterday to do that video of me talking. I've been putting it off for sometime now but its something I've always been wanting to do.  For the past 4 years now I've been writing my posts every day which was a big fear for me to overcome also. As I said in my video yesterday I had a school teacher that really picked on me, she used to make me stand in front of the class in primary school reading and then mock me.  This always stuck in my head and for the rest of my school life up until I left I never really took anything in in school.  I was more wheeling and dealing selling my delboy dads dodgy goods everyday and for the rest of my life I never wrote anything apart from price lists, bookie dockets, tick lists and the odd placard I used to write if I had to protest outside some bi

"Dont let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen."

 "Dont let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen." Not sure who said this quote but its one of my favourite.  And this applies to many things in life, phantom planting on council land being one of them. I dont know how many people said to me at the start, your wasting your time, they will get mowed over and ripped out by the council. Funny I've hundreds now thriving on council land with the councils looking after them also for me. When I grew up in an estate and I would always have been talking about big ideas and this time next year I'll be a millionaire I would be saying.  Many of the people who criticised me and told me I was mad had no experience at all in trying new things or thinking outside the box.  People would have laughed at me when I had my mobile pound shop knocking on doors with a toilet roll and washing powder in my hand trying to tempt people to come out and look in the back of my mobile shop aka Great Deals on Wheels.  But it was always th

Fill your boots!

 For years I've been thinking these were jostaberries that we have phantom planted at our orchard and have just found out yesterday they are whitecurrants! We have around 50 of these phantom planted all in between the apple trees. They are ripe and ready to eat now if ayone wants to go down and get some.  Love to see how many people have been going down for the raspberries also. All our berries phantom planted at the orchard came from Jampa Ling Tibetan Buddhist centre and were blessed by the Tibetan Lama there before I took them.  Buddhist blessed berry bushes in Belfsst - Fill your boots! Eat some Buddha magic today! Where would you get it!  There's a lot of special energy at our orchard. The stories behind many of the trees and the characters that have came to phantom plant there is pretty amazing!  The birds are having a field day this year eating loads of the apples, which I love to see btw, the trees I phantom plant is an offering to nature for all it provides for me. I&#

There's some amazing people out there.

 Words and work from Peter Wachs, a true gentleman, proud to have you as a Paramili-tree Leaftenant.  ......It's not easy if a friend loses his daughter.  But as I planted the tree in the Stranmillis / Sharman Road orchard, I met a lovely Greek lady, Katherina. She also planted fruit trees in her garden and also ask for some advice. And another Lady living across the road from where I planted the tree, promised to water the new tree for a while. Community spirit 🍎🌳💚☘️....... Your an amazing man Peter. Thank you for phantom planting this memorial tree. So sad, you never know what people are going through in life.

One of the best feelings ever!

 Got a video sent to me last night from my Big Glaswegian pal out maintaining some fruit trees. Many of you on here have probably heard me mention him before. I dont think he's ever watered a plant or a tree in his life apart from the the illegal type and now he's out phantom planting trees and hugging them. Both of us have been right in the thick of underworld dealings for a very long time. But like everything in that world, long runs a fox.  He ended up going to jail for a very long time and I had to leave the country, bombed out I was forced to live in exile,  trust me that life is not good! You choose to stay in that world surrounded by dark energies sooner or later you will become infected and corrupted. I always lived with the attitude if I get 100k I'm going legit and living a normal life, then its a million and your going legit, then it's 10 million and so on! That game of digits that's manufactured for us all to play is by design to keep us locked into a fr

The Irish Yew Tree...

 For anyone that doesn't know the difference between an Irish Yew and a common yew, this pic shows it perfectly, the tall up right one closest is an Irish Yew and the wider type up next to my van is a common yew.  The original irish yew was discovered in Fermanagh and is planted in Florence Court. All other Irish yews around the world are a cutting from this tree. If you were to plant its seed it would revert back to a common yew, so by taking cutting it maintains this unique shape and character. I love how slow growing they are. This one in the pic could be 150 years atleast old and yet you wouldn't think it.  I have had a few quantum entangled experiences at this original irish yew in Florence Court.  I make a point to visit this a couple of times a year. Quantum entanglement is a word I learned from an old lady I met under the original Irish yew tree.  I don't think there's another tree that holds so many myths and stories than the yew tree. Experts say they live for