
Lets get making our streets and estates into urban orchard for everyone to have free fresh food!

Seaweed mulching!

 After all the strong winds we got now is a good time to be collecting seaweed to mulch around your fruit trees. This is by far the best thing you can add to your trees for health. I just mulch a thick layer straight off the beach around my trees, just keep it about 6 inches or so from the trunk and this will all break down over time providing all sorts of good nutrients for your tree and soil.  I love all the different types of fungi that come about when seaweed mulching, over the years I've noticed all sorts of mushrooms growing out of the base of our trees which Is always a good sign of soil health. I never wash my seaweed either, just add straight from the beach. Back in my old wheeling and dealing days I'd of been bagging this stuff up and selling it around the doors. As I was bagging some up one day and carrying into the back of my van and just for a joke I was shouting at passerby,  "Bags of seaweed for your garden only a tenner"! This old lady came up and said

Fill your boots!

 Buddhists believe we earn our own good merit, that we make our own karma and good luck. How we live and interact with the world around us determines our path in this life and the next. I believe this to be true and what I also believe to be true is its easier more so now than ever to earn good merit and good fortune from our good deeds. The ways of earning good merit is being sold off too cheap these days because not many are interested. The good merit half price sale is on, get in quick before its too late! What I'm meaning by this is never has there been a time when so much of the world is wrapped up in so many problems with the Internet, we are dividing ourselves over everything these days and venting anger about problems all over the world. Disturbing our own peace of mind and keeping us stuck in low darker vibrations. I believe its all manufactured and by design and I dont believe getting wrapped up in any of it will serve any good for your ownself or the people around you. S

Bare root season coming up!

  Its coming up to bare root planting season which usually starts around November sometime and this means lots of nurseries will be getting in cheap bare root fruit trees meaning they dont come in pots and they are much cheaper and easier to plant. Many other types of native trees like oaks and birch can be as little as 50p a sapling! There's really no excuse not to become a phantom planter! Ring around your local nurseries to see who will be stocking fruit trees and also ask them for local native grown ones if possible, these will grow better than any other type for your area and will need less looking after and will be better for our ecosystem too. But if you cant get native dont be worrying too much just get planting and chanting. If your going to be phantom planting on council land like one of my Leaftenants has done in this pic, please make sure you dont plant under power lines or inline with any manholes or sewers, always plant 5 metres from a path or road so no falling fruit

Web of delusion.

  You know all our mountain ranges here in the UK and Ireland are not natural. Although when your coming into these areas you see signs saying area of outstanding natural beauty, maybe it should say, area of mass destruction. At one time all our mountains were all forest, not this heathland/ grassland type terrain, this is is what has come about from over farming and grazing. Sheep and cattle have been wrecking and ruining these landscapes for thousands of years. When we had predators like wolves they would have keep grazing cattle moving so they didnt have time to hang around one spot and eat everything in sight. This allowed the ecosystem to thrive and the forests to flourish. Everything is about making money from the land, if you cant make money from it its no good to us. I get we need cattle for food but most of ours is exported, turned into paper and digits and stored in some bank somewhere and our landscape has been destroyed for it. If we ate what we produced and didnt export th

Happines is an inside job!

 This is my table and chair for dinning. Never thought I'd see the day I would be happy to eat my meals like this. Happiness is an inside job!  All this exterior toys and tinsel BS we think we need is a novelty.  This is my breakfast before I go and dander a few mountains barefoot in the lashing rain.  It's good to embrace all the elements.  Love the purity of the mountains  in the rain.  We are made up of the elements, it's so important to go out to embrace and connect with them.  Have a great day guys... Peace and love.

We become our thoughts!

 This is my first ever selfie as the phantom planter just under 5 years ago, its coming up to the 5 year mark of setting up the phantom planter next month and before I set it up I felt I had to go and get blessed by the Buddhist monks at Jampa Ling and I phantom planted these oak trees in the pic on the way down to the Buddhist monastery! You know when you know you just gotta go and do something, well I had to go and plant a tree in a Buddhist monastery with a Tibetan lama and ask him to bless me before I was going to go all out and talk about my past and present passion on here and how I turned my life around through planting and chanting! Many of you may not know also but it was me and a 9 year old girl who came up with the idea for the phantom planter. Her 12 year old brother at the time was a bit sceptical about our plans and he thought I was crazy but me and my little past sidekick went full steam ahead and got this page up and running believing that one day we are going to make p

What goes around comes around.

 When I look around my cabin room many of the things I have are gifts, things that people made, drew, designed and put a lot of thought into, things that people went to effort for to give me without seeking anything back in return! I never got this sort of love directed at me ducking and diving in business world - " no friends in business" is what my Delboy Dad always says - How right he was!  Took me to go through a roller coaster ride to really find this out for myself though!  Most of us dont know any better, like the story or platos cave, ( apparently the matrix was based on the allegory of the cave by Plato). When I first landed up to Jampa Ling at the lowest point in my life I wanted a private chat with the Rinpoche there who is high Tibetan Lama, this dude is on the inner council with Big D and all the other Lamas! But I got my chat with him and told him all my problems and all he said was atleast you are aware and told me a meditation practice to do. I was thinking at