Magnificent Yew Trees at Crom Castle!

Went to see the famous yew tree at Crom Castle yesterday just outside Enniskillen.

This has been on my to do list for sometime now!
What a stunning shaped yew tree, have only ever seen one similar to this shape at Lissan house in Cookstown.
This one at Crom is said to be 1000 year old but no one can really tell the age of a yew!
Strange that ain't it, we think we are so smart yet these yews have us all baffled!
The immortal tree, said to never die, steeped in history, filled full of mystery, I have a passion for these Trees!
What I find unusual about this whole area is just down the road is the Ballyconnel yew said to be possibly the oldest tree in Europe at 2500 years old which I found one day with the help of a leprechaun and at the other side of Enniskillen at Florence Court is the original Irish yew tree, all Irish yews around the world are a cutting from this tree, the seed from it would just grow back into a common yew!
And somewhere in the middle of these 3 yew trees is Jampa Ling, unreal!
For anyone that doesn't know about how I found Jampa Ling here is a part copied from another post!
(I rowed this Viking boat down the river Shannon for a bit of craic one day, I was still an alcoholic mess and was drunk on the boat and when my beer ran out I wanted off, I jumped off like a maniac, knocked on a farmers house for help and a girl answered the door and said something like my god we just seen you walk out of the river, she brought me in and gave me a hot whisky and then asked me was I a Buddhist, I looked at her and said Buddhist? what makes you say that? I was bald but a drunken Buddhist, strange thing to ask. She said there was a Buddhist monastery down the road and she thought I could have been lost. For some reason something sparked in me, like I had to go there. Her uncle give me a lift to get my bags and I went there a drunken mess and stayed with the monks for 3 days, they welcomed me in with a smile, my life changed that day.......)
Ever since then I've been running around planting and chanting!
I always believed there was more to this life but that event cemented it for Me!
"Those who don't believe in magic will never find"!
Have a good one guys..
Peace and love


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