A bit about me and how I became the phantom planter. I grew up in a Loyalist housing estate in Belfast, my father a Protestant and my mother was a Catholic from Ardyone, that had big complications here in Northern Ireland but I always knew I was a mongrel, a bit different! My dad was a delboy ( a buyer and seller of everything and anything) and from I could walk he had me a mini Delboy, from selling round the doors to off loading lorry loads of bootlegged cigs and booze straight in from Andorra, he had me street trading and playing part in his delboy tricks to help him sell his dodgy goods! I learned fast how to make money and school for me was my business, I had more money than the teachers, my dad would have stocked my bag up at lunchtimes for me with more of his dodgy goods, perfume, tobacco, clothing, all sorts I had in my bag, even sold some of my goods to the teachers! When I left school I was financially embarrassed for a small time, 1000 pupils to me was 1000 people with a po
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