First phantom planter live draw!

 We had the first phantom planter live draw last night and the winners are,

Margo Buttery

Lucy Tibbetts

Christine Lang

Marion McCaulay

We will be phantom planting an apple tree in memory of each of these people, we will be doing a post on here for each individual tree, the tree will be tagged with the peoples names and the location details will be added in the post so that one day maybe the family can come and look for their phantom planted tree planted in memory of their passed loved ones and eat some apples from it, these trees will live for 100 years! 

Please keep an eye on my posts for info on this in the coming days as I cant remember who made the donations to send the details to..

The reason why I'm liking the idea of doing a draw is that potted fruit trees which is the only thing you can plant this time of year can cost anything up to £40, some places £60 and more! Plus all rest of the stuff you need for phantom planting and after care.

This way it lets people who can only afford a £5 donation be in with a chance of having a tree phantom planted in memory of their passed loved one, £5 to someone is like £100 to another.

These are the names so far for next weeks draw,

Iris Elder

John Lailey

Rose Burns


Mum Eileen

I will be keeping this post in my feature section at the top of the phantom planter Facebook page for you all to find easily.

If you would like to be in with a chance of having a tree planted in memory of a passed loved one you must make a donation, just as much as you can afford and add the name in the comment section of the paypal link or add the name of your loved one as the reference when making a bank transfer, this is the only way the names will be added, if you forget and comment or message me after I may not see it...

This is all new to me and I'm just finding my feet with all this, my main job is out planting and chanting, if I miss your messages my apologies. 

And guys please remember also that this page is about you phantom planting!

I'm not out to capitalise on this, if you are able to buy a tree yourself and phantom plant it in memory of a loved one please do go ahead and do this.

With my Delboy past I could turn this page into a right money making operation but I'm not, I dont want it to be about that, I'm out to have my bread and butter paid for, my days of wanting it all are long gone, any money I have left over will be spent helping mother nature and the community...

If you'd like to make a donation please click on the paypal link below or you can send it by bank transfer, details are below too, thank you....

Bank details

Name on account-

Free Food For All

Sort code 950679

Account number 30178756

#communityspirit #phantomplanter #phantomplanters

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....


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