My wee mums memorial pear tree!

One of the photos is me, my son and my delboy dad phantom planting a pear tree in memory of my wee mum on the anniversary of her passing and the other pic is of her tree roughly 5 years later!

I wasn't long started phantom planting trees back then when we planted the pear tree I hadn't even coined the name phantom planting either, but I was just randomly planting fruit trees here and there around my local estate and beyond, it was part of my Buddhist practice to help purify my negative karma that I created in the past.

Me and my delboy dad were wheeler dealers all our lives, selling all sorts of dodgy goods, when I started planting trees out of my own money, my delboy dad was always saying " son why are you planting trees and not making any money, whats going on here"?

I would just say to him, dad it's all part of my Buddhist practice to try and live in service to nature and the community, just doing my bit for mother nature I said, his reply was,

"Them Boodoos have you possessed son"....

He just couldn't get his head around it at all...

You know coming out and saying your practicing Buddhism and planting trees in an effort to change your ways among the circles of hoods and gangsters that I was surrounded with was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, I had no support from anyone, it wasn't easy, I just knew that the underworld life was not for me anymore and I wanted away from it.

I wanted a life of contentment, I wanted inner peace and happiness and looking around at the mad men I was surrounded with and how my life was panning out, I seen that the ratrace and the underworld are the polar opposite to contentment and inner peace, its a poison for the body, mind and soul and I had to get out!

My delboy dad was the last person in world to ever plant a tree but when I said to him on the anniversary of my wee mums passing, do you want to plant a tree in memory of mum his eyes lit up and I couldn't believe it!

So we got a pear tree and phantom planted it in memory of my wee mum and check out how well its doing now!

You know something else, nearly every pear tree I've planted looks sick, they dont seem to do well here, but my wee mums pear tree is the healthiest I've ever seen, its thriving!

My delboy dad went back every week after that and weeded around the tree and watered it, little did we know though at the time of planting my dad had brain cancer and passed away just over a year later....

Me and my son go and see the tree all the time and right next to my wee mums we planted one in memory of my delboy dad.

It's such a beautiful thing to do phantom planting fruit trees in memory of your passed loved ones....


Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

If you'd like to support the phantom planter on his mission in turning streets and estates into urban orchards so everyone can have free fruit please click on the paypal link below or you can send it by bank transfer,, thank you....

Bank details

Name on account- 

Free Food For All

Sort code 950679

Account number 30178756


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