Robin Hood Oaks are thriving!

 Check out my Robin Hood oak trees!

Last autumn I went traveling around England to gather acorns of some of the most famous and iconic oak trees and the Major oak aka the Robin Hood oak tree in Sherwood forest was full of acorns, it must have been a mast year for this one as I managed to collect lots to bring back and grow.

Look how healthy they are looking also, the Robin Hood oak is said to be over 1000 year old, it's definitely got some strong genetics and disease resistance to have survived this long and its showing in these babies!

This autumn I will be heading on another road trip around the UK or Ireland to gather more acorns from the greatest and oldest trees.

One of my favourite ancient oaks - King Oakomo is his name I've heard is producing acorns this year for the first time in a over a decade, this is a special one I need for my collection.

It's a lifelong project of mine to gather all the acorns of the UK and Ireland's oldest and most iconic oak trees and have them all planted one day together in a ring / oak grove with all the trees tagged saying who the parent was, all hand collected, germinated and grown by me, it will be like the phantom planter museum type of thing!

Thank you for all the offers on my previous post on this with people offering to post me acorns from other famous oak trees but this is something I have to do myself is going and connecting and collecting from the tree....

So far I've got the Robin Hood oak, the Bowthorpe oak, the Big Belly oak and the Brian Boru oak - said to be planted by Brian Boru himself.....

My intention is that one day when I plant the oak grove the phantom planter will get buried in the middle of it....

As I was talking yesterday in my post about my house clearance business and how I watched people gather lifelong treasures, toys and tinsel to just pass on one day and have someone like the old money hungry me plunder through their lifelong possessions like a magpie just so I can feed my ego, to get more of them paper and digits than the next programmed ratracer, a game based on the destruction of mother nature and ultimately our souls!

Well I've seen that monopoly board for what it really is, I'm leaving behind a legacy based on creation and not destruction, I'm leaving behind a forest of oak trees, trees that will live for a thousand years, the phantom planter will still be promoting phantom planting 500 years after I'm gone, hundreds of years from now people will still be saying,

The phantom planter challenges you to phantom plant a tree, Anywhere - Anytime - Any place...

Thats a soul flicker right there even the thought of that, never felt I had a soul following the way of the world, it really is a soulless world out there, finely tuned to diminish, poison and pollute it....

Anyhow that's one of my dreams and aspirations....

#majoroak #robinhood #sherwood #sherwoodforest #phantomplanters #paramilitrees #phantomplanter #communityspirit 

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

If you like what I do and share you can support me on the link below and help keep me planting and chanting.


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