Two memorial apple trees phantom planted!
We phantom planted two memorial apple trees yesterday for this mans wife and daughter who he has just lost recently, so sad, you never know what people are going through....thoughts and prayers are with you...
Going to get him the memorial plates stamped up soon with the names of his wife and daughter on them and added to the trees, this will be a nice place right on his doorstep for him to visit with his family and he'll be able to eat apples of them next year and for many years after that!
Phantom planting a memorial fruit tree is also a great contribution to the community and nature....
Picked up a couple of nice Malus Elstar apple trees for the occasion, as I was walking up towards the apple tree section in the nursery these two had just blown over pointing right at me out of a bunch of about 50 trees, I looked at them and they were the best looking there, think they were trying to talk to me some way!
And they are a multi purpose apple meaning they can be eaten, cooked or juiced and said to be a very heavy cropper too!
We phantom planted these at the orchard in the middle of the estate were I've lost count how many apple trees we have here now but one person said there'll be no room left in the estate if you keep going at this rate, that's my plan and intention I said!
#communityspirit #phantomplanters #phantomplanter
Peace and love!
I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....
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