A day with the trees!

Was out yesterday for a good few hours tidying up and watering lots of phantom planted fruit trees, just me and the dogs.

Love my days on my own working away at the orchard, when your on your own more people stop to talk to you thats never stopped before.

Love meeting up with the other paramili-Trees too but I do love my times alone with the trees. I never feel alone in the phantom planters HQ. All the hundreds of fruit trees we've phantom planted, its like all the trees are my mates.

Everywhere I walk all around the Belvoir estate area there are trees I forgot I phantom planted popping up everywhere. 
Phantom plant them knee height then the next thing your looking up at them, it all happens so fast! 

And yesterday also I get some pics sent to me from the gardner at Blarney Castle of the trees I planted there 2 years ago and they are all thriving.
We planted 5 trees there, a corkscrew hazel, birch, oak, rowan and a wild service tree that I thought would not make it and its massive!

I got another message also from Donegal the other day about a holly tree I phantom planted there 4 years ago to say its thriving too!

Planting trees definitely builds a connection with people, its like creating a friendship bond that will always be there through planting a tree together.

Get phantom planting guys...

#phantomplanter #communityspirit

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Peace and love...


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