Help us create urban orchards.

 Good morning guys,

many of you may have seen that I've put up a couple of posts and a video of the gofundme page I set up to help try and raise money for the creation of Heritage Irish apple orchards around South Belfast for the community and nature to enjoy.

As most of you probably know, me and my inner council paramili-trees have set up a heritage Irish apple tree nursery producing all our own apple trees. 

320 we have produced so far.

Our plans is to phantom plant all these trees at several locations in and around Belvoir estate South Belfast in public open areas for everyone to access.

All these trees will be labeled up with everlasting aluminium tags saying what variety they are. Some of the names we have are pretty cool and very rare, Donegal Chisel, Blood of the Boyne, Kemp, Cavan Wine, Ecklinville and many many more.

These trees will be added to the phantom planters tree map on google maps so everyone on here can go and find them one day.

We are looking to raise 5k to cover the costs of producing all these trees and for the planting and aftercare of all 320 trees. 

Me personally I dont really care if I get money out of it or not. Much of the money raised will be going towards paying my farmer friends for setting up this project for me. I really couldn't have did it without them, thank you! 

I will be putting any money I get from it back into the expansion of another polytunnel, as this was a great success this year in producing these native Irish trees, we have plans to build another polytunnel so we are able to create 1000 new apple trees every year.

Much of the community are involved in this and will benefit from this.

Our plans is to plant 1000 heritage Irish apple trees annually for the rest of my life.

The joy watching all these grow is just amazing, honesty this is the best life mission and purpose I could ever have dreamt off.

Its a great feeling this time of year when many of the phantom planted trees are laden with fruit.

I get people from the estate coming up to me in amazement saying, "see the size of them apples mate"!! Fill your boots is what I say!

People are in disbelief I think that apple trees can and will grow in our streets and estates. 

Our communities need this, the world needs this!

The time has come were everyone of us as individuals must set aside time to help our community and nature.

There is so much hate out there right now it can become infectious, disturbing our own peace of mind. 

In Buddhism they say we can never make the right decisions on anything while holding onto such negative dark emotions.

Get back to your grass roots and get planting and chanting. You'll feel good that your doing good! 

If you'd like to support these missions here is the links below.

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!

Peace and Love.....


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