Sophia's tree.

 This is pics from an apple tree I phantom Planted this time last year for a little girl from the estate, Sophia. 

It was an Elstar apple variety we planted. 

Most of you have probably seen I've been saying how bad all the Estar apple varieties are looking and not to be planting them. 

We have about 10 phantom planted at all different locations and all are looking sick apart from Sophia's tree!

What I notice anytime I visit this tree is Sophia must be visiting it a lot as there is little stones from the beach with drawings on them at her tree and the grass always looks cut. 

Her tree is so healthy and vibrant, its probably the healthiest looking tree at this orchard in the middle of the estate. 

The trees feel your love guys. Even this has been proven recently that trees feel and respond to the types of energies we are giving it. 

I've seen this happen time and time again planting trees with people. 

I've said many times that we have over 300 fruit trees at our main orchard and 2 of them just died all of a sudden!

I remember both plnatings and who was with me. One person was angry and didnt want to be there and the other person was just planting for their ego. 

#communityspirit #phantomplanter #appletrees 

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!

Peace and love


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