We have a plum raider!
Someone has came down in the past couple of days or so and stripped every plum tree we have at our orchard!!
For the past week or so I've been going down nearly everyday squeezing them and picking a nice juicy one to eat there and then, really looked forward to this enjoying the fruits of my labour.
I kept meeting this old man at a few of the plums trees also and he would be doing the same.
We would just stand there chatting eating plums straight from the tree, memorable moments I had with this old man.
This year there was hundreds of plums if not thousands and now everyone of them are gone with the trees looking like they were butchered also with many broken branches!
Who ever did this I hope you phantom plant many plum trees yourself to make up for this!
This is a community orchard for everyone to enjoy and with many of the plums not even ready yet it was a bit of a greedy selfish act to be doing.
As I said I hope you become a phantom planter and maybe grow up all them plum stones you got into trees and plant out one day.
Lots of the fruit at the orchard has been picked way too early this year.
Sort of makes me think though that the way these trees were raided that there really is a need to have fruit trees everywhere.
On a more positive note, at another orchard we have in the estate, as we were visiting yesterday the couple that looks after this patch for me were saying that most days a group of pensioners are out checking on all the apples, squeezing them and seeing when they are going to be ready for picking.
This brought a smile to my face, its everything I've dreamt off was the community coming out and getting involved like this.
Raising community spirit and providing food for the people and nature has been my dreams and intentions from day one on starting The Phantom Planter!
You'll always get the negative sides to everything you do in life and all this plum raider does to me is make me want to plant more and more!
We have hundreds more fruit trees ready to go with many paramili-trees on standby to phantom plant these!
In the coming years there'll be that much fruit around the estate people wont know what to do with it all.
If you'd like to support our mission guys please do so on the links below.
And as always
I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!
Peace and love....
#phantomplanter #communityspirit #community #communityorchard #apple #appletrees
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