The seed was planted!

 I remember the first time I read this after stumbling across a Buddhist monastery. I landed up to the place drunk after jumping off a viking boat at the lowest point in my life and said to the monk can I stay with you guys, I need to stay here!

They had just the room for me and this was on the wall. I read it and something came over me, like everything I already felt inside about our way of life that is pure lunacy was being affirmed for me in Jampa Ling by Big D!

At the time I read this I had just went from riches to rags, back to riches again and then back to rags on that monopoly board we are all tricked into playing, ( a finely tuned soul trap if you ask me).

I was bankrupt a few years before this then I hit it big time again and then I got robbed and lost the lot again!!

All I was left with was a long list of expensive self gratifying habits and addictions. Thats what too much money can do, makes you accustomed to passing poisonous pleasures and when the money runs out you enter the hell realm that they talk about in Buddhist cosmology. Having too much money had me in the hungry ghost realm, where you are ruled by cravings, the mind is always on the next fix and never content with the present moment. When I lived out in Spain once in exile and my drugs was running out the torment I put myself through to get my supply built up again was pure suffering. I would have paid any amount for my habits to make sure I had my daily drug supply. Cravings and desire is our root cause of suffering is what the Buddha says. I could relate to that alright when I first heard this!!!

But when I lost all my money again and couldn't keep my self gratifying lifestyle funded I slipped into the hell realm. In Buddhist cosmology it is how we conduct ourselves in this life that determines what realms our mind goes in and out off. In reality we create our own heaven or hell.

Anyhow guys, that day I read this poem by Big D, the seed of change had been planted in me and its great to be in the more balanced realm.

Be very mindful who we seek help and advice from,  feel the person's energy and vibes, ask yourself do you aspire to be like them. Our way of life has corrupted so many. We never know what realms people are in.


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