Found a well.

 I've looking for this for sometime now. Pure well water!

I've had intuition for awhile tell me to source my own well water to drink everyday. 

This water is coming out of the same source as the River Lagan that runs through Belfast starts at. 

Apparently lots of people still use this well. 

The mountain it comes out of, Slieve Croob it's called is full of magic and mystery. 

At one time there was a well at the top of it called Druids holy well, this has been all filled in for many years now and there are also hundreds of ancient Cairns and Dolmons all over this mountain that go back thousands of years. 

There's magic in this water, this has been charged and is alive. All our water we drink is dead and contaminated. 

People often say these wells have healing properties. 

I'd say the healing properties is the purity and aliveness of the water itself, thats enough to heal all sorts.

It doesn't need to be anything else. Pure water like this is something we don't drink enough off.  

you'll see me levitating any day now😀


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