Time to be Re-Tribed

 So sad what is happening out in West Ireland, still 100k households are believed to have no heating, no water and no electric!

Myself and some of my inner council are heading out that way on Wednesday to a few old apple orchards to get scions/cuttings for growing more apple trees this year and I got in touch with Jampa Ling, the Buddhist monastery I go too and said can we join you guys for lunch.

They said yes we are more than welcome but all the cooking is being done on a stove and without electric!

What are people doing out that way that have no stoves or open fires? And I hear that its against the law now in Ireland for new houses to have wood burning stoves! I think that law needs changed right away!

I believe this is natures way of telling us not be getting totally dependent on the system. I've heard of kids also going crazy due to the electric being out as they cant play their games. This storm has proven how fragile our system is and more and more we are becoming entangled and dependent on it, like a heard of cattle being round up to be sent crazy!

I always tell the story at the height of my riches in the ratrace, when I had this bag in my office, full of gold, cash and antiques, worth around half a mill, I had a beer in my hand and a line of peas and barley on my office table. In most of societies eyes I had made it, this was everyone's dream what I had right here at this moment.

My businesses were booming and I was making a fortune.

But that moment as I looked down at the bag at around the age of 28 I had this powerful realisation.

My body and mind was riddled and rotted with poison, years long pursuit to get these types of riches destroyed me and left me unhealthy in mind, body and soul. I was totally infected by the monopoly board. Regular chest pains, breathing problems, skin all a mess and trying my best to cover up my baldy head. I was a complete mess! But I was rich in toys and tinsel and you try and convince yourself that thats all that matters! I'll buy a new heart if needs be was my thoughts, insane!!

But back to that moment with the bag, something came over me that what was in that bag was only worth as much as the puppeteers say so, you know the people who pull the strings of the system.

I couldnt eat any of what was in this bag, couldn't even wipe my back side with it and if the s**t hit the fan and the system collapses nothing in this bag is worth any value at all.

And the state my body was left in after chasing societies big dream I didnt even have the knowledge to grow a potato or even know where to begin to survive.

Its sad what has happened to the human race, at one time we were the ultimate hunting and gathering species of the planet, in touch with every seasonal food around, we could climb and move better than most other species and out run most of them too.

Now look at us, made to sit in chairs from a child and force fed regurgitated rubbish in schools, with none of it serving any purpose for our soul or nature. All it serves is for us to work for a corporation and become a programmed consumer!

We are being fed 3D printed foods and living in conditions that do not align with the soul at all.

Time to break away guys and Re-Tribe, get connected to nature again and learn about it, our food and heating should never be in the hands of anyone else apart from us and our community.

Our basic needs in life need to be taken back into our own control and with all the knowledge around these days online we can learn what ever we want!

My contribution to all this is fruit trees, I'll always plant fruit trees for nature and the community.

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree!

Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter


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