At another old orchard.

We were away yesterday at a secret location Irish orchard getting hundreds grafts/cuttings.

This orchard has the closest native Irish apple tree to Belfast, The Ecklinville.

This variety was discovered in someone's garden in the 1700s in a town just outside Belfast.

We got some grafts/cuttings from this same tree last year which we now have growing in our new Heritage Irish Community Orchard.

Some of the other varieties we got was Bloody Butcher, Irish Peach and Donegal Chisel.

The trees at this orchard were super healthy and strong, perfect for getting grafts from.

They are grown on the same rootstock (MM106) which we are using.

I look forward to seeing these grafts grow one day as big and as healthy as its parent trees, phantom planted and growing away in the streets of Belfast!

The guy that let us get these grafts was saying that in years to come when we are all gone people are going to be seeing all these native apples trees talking about you!

It has to be the ultimate offering we were talking about, planting an apple tree that will live for hundred years has to be the greatest thing we can offer to nature and the community. Its a growing positive contribution that just keeps on giving!

In Buddhism they say its only when we live in service and contribution towards others and the world that we will begin to see the true purpose and meaning of life.

I'm going to write a book one day called "Karmic Result". The Buddha says by following the Eightfold path we will change our world around us. 

How we think, speak and act with this passing world is creating our life. Our true intentions are so important on this also, you can't fool the Dharma! Our intentions much be pure also.

That mask of society, were we butter up and tell the biggest load of lies making yourself look like a do gooder, but really you've got other cunning self gratifying motives behind it all. This doesnt work with the Dharma and you'll only be fooling yourself.

The way of our world is all about ME! For most of my life I was all about ME! 

Ignorant to the fact of the amount of negative Karma I was creating was stockpiling up just waiting to be set on fire and burn my life down. Bringing chaos to myself and everyone around me. All for what?? So I can have more money than the next rat in the race.

I've lost my balance a bit getting sucked back into the rat race with my business, trying to build up some cash for my new cabin I'm getting, but once I get this I'm returning to nature. Every day connecting, respecting and living in service for nature.

I cant be bothered with what the monopoly board has to offer anymore. All its toys and tinsel, glitz and glamour, it just doesn't tickle me like it used too.

I've made more money than most in the past and to be honest the circles I ended up in are all a bit constipated.

If you'd like to support my life and mission please do on the link below.

I would love one day to make a living from what I do. For the Phantom Planter to be my full time job..

Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter


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