Still got it!
Still got what it takes. Haven't done muscle ups in ages.
My training these days has really changed. I let my ego take over doing these a couple of years back. Was doing them weighted with 25kg and did some serious damage to my shoulders.
And I wasn't taking long enough rests.
Think when you get into your forties you need a few days rest between doing these as tendons take longer to heal.
Messed up both my shoulders, had tendonitis for ages and its only now it's beginning to heal.
Still I won't be going back to doing these in any sort of hurry but was keen to see if I could still do them.
Used to rep these out 7 at a time and still I wasn't happy.
I wanted to do 10 and then if I got 10 it would probably be 15 then. Where does it stop!
What happened to me though was I was training that hard that when it came to tree planting with groups of kids my energy levels were slumped. I was stiff and in pain with little enthusiasm for phantom planting.
I had a serious chat with myself asking what is it I want to achieve in life.
All that energy was going into hitting my gym goals with the end outcome being my ego felt good, and only for a while. There's always another goal to hit and we put so much energy into these kinds of activities that when we are gone out of this world we aren't even a thought anymore. So much of it is meaningless.
I want to leave behind a legacy, fruit forest all over the country I'm leaving behind!
Ego, competition, greed, gluttony, hate, divide, pride, vanity, fear (and these food eating competitions that's being promoted is a big sickner for me. Food should never be disrespected like this.)
We are abusing this world in shame. Time we all realized nature is our best friend.
These are all the things society promotes and we all think it's amazing!
In reality it's feeding our souls into a trap.
I'm caught in that trap too, I'm not saying this like I've got my s**t together. I'm in the middle of Maras web of delusion also.
This is what they call the demon in Buddhism that tries to keep us all under his spell.
Nothing this world promotes benefits the soul or nature, very little of society contributes to the creation at all.
No matter what side you think your on, left wing, right wing, they are both part of the same destruction. For me one side starves the soul, the other over indulges it. Both with the same agenda. Keep us entangled.
Karma yoga is a practice this world needs today, you want to earn spiritual merit and creatinga better life. Look up karma yoga. We need to rebalance the Earths energies.
Peace and love
The Phantom Planter
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