
 When I was up at this Holy Well during the week these light bulb moment thoughts started going through my head about water,

That water is the God, it's the bringer of all life!

The Buddha says in the Dhammapada that Indra the God of the rain is the God of all Gods.  It was through earnesnest that Indra become Lord of the Gods he says.

Its through earnest effort how water can carve through rocks and mountains yet its so soft. 

Water is the most powerful element, able to put out fire and every known living organism in the universe needs water to survive. 

Many living things can go without light and air but not water.

We are made of water, like a vibrating liquid hologram we are. 

Water is the ultimate teacher, when water flows down a mountain and something puts up a dam, it doesn't just stop there and fight the dam, it just trickles around it finding a way. And still after making it's way around the dam it is not pissed off with the dam for trying to stop it, 

still the water brings life and nourishment to everything it comes across. 

A metaphor for life, we let others infect us and then we project that out into the world and so the negative vibes magnify!

Be like water as Bruce Lee once said. 

We really need to start respecting the God of creation right in front of us here and now and not something imaginary. We are in God, we are God. This is the life before, the next life, the after life -  This is the life of all lives. 

Anyway guys, I feel this Holy Well communicated with me somehow. 

Hope you enjoy my crazy thoughts, I'm sure some think I should be sectioned! But when  your on this path you see that society is already sectioned, and by choice. 

Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter


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