Time to replce the fallen treee!

 We all need to get planting and start replacing all the thousands of trees that have blown down in the storm. So many big trees around that have fallen. Nows the time to get planting!!

I was at this massive ash tree that I always walk by yesterday cutting out a few big bits for chopping wood on when I get my new cabin. Have visions of a massive chopping block and piles of neat wood piled up the side of my cabin.

You could see inside this ash tree why it had fallen, it was all rotted as it was coming to the end of its life.

Using a chainsaw correctly is something next on my list to learn about. I love the thought of getting wood like this from trees that have fallen to heat myself in the new cabin I'm getting. It feels so right and ethical making do with what nature is offering like this.

This week I went to a holy Well to collect my own water and chopped my own wood.

Makes me think of the Zen proverb again,

"Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water"...

This is the life I'm practicing to live one day and its a practice that can maybe take years to really presence yourself and find the inner peace to live like this.

We are born into a society of over stimulation, me personally I was born into the biggest wheeling and dealing circles of Belfast, surrounded by money hungry crooks and gangsters all chasing the pound.

If you had of said to my delboy dad years ago to go and chop some wood as he's standing there counting a wad of cash with a cig hanging out of his mouth he'd of thought you were mad!

My dad would have been a king in the rat race, he knew how to play the game better than most, made an absolute fortune he did.

I remember when I was young and him and his cronies had made it big time, they were the main dudes in the country for smuggled ciggies and booze, straight in from Andorra. My dad used to save up 100 pound notes( yes you get 100 pound notes in Scotland and Northern Ireland), he saved these notes and had piles of them rolled up and flattened out and everything you picked up in the house there was these notes. He didn't know what to do with it all.

He put the word around the place for people to get him 100 pound notes as they were easier to hide. 

Here is a wee poem I wrote before, 

Directing 40 footers through estate winding streets

was one of my many childhood chores,

Open the door it was ciggies and more,

Andorra had just become the new bank offshore,

Gangsters on forklifts having the odd nervous fit,

Hoods loading vans im sure got on the neighbours tits

but they kept their wit as most were in on it,

Counting money galore was another one of my chore,

Mill after Mill my thumbs did get sore,

We run out of room on my ma's wee floor.

The more I write about my parents the more I love them, they were brilliant! 

Always remember what he did though once, as I was the wee rebel in my primary school I wasnt allowed to go on any school trips, I was always left behind with the headmaster.

But my dad, he made a massive donation to the school for us all to go skiing and my wee mum came along also, who on the first day skiing flew into a house, knocked herself out and had to go to hospital. 

No more skiing for my my rebel mum.

I always remember my dad doing this, he got his own back on the school, some of the teachers really had it in for me, my dad never got involved with the school but he knew what was going on. I was no angel but one teacher really singled me out and bullied me.

She was adamant I could never go on school outings as I was a danger.

My delboy dad fixed her wagon! I'm sure the smirk was wiped off her face when he paid for the school to go skiing.

Anyhow went off on one there, what I'm trying to say is, I was born into a ratrace, I became that rat aiming for king rat myself. 

I have been programmed to always be on edge, looking over my shoulder for the police or robbers, this was my life until I found the Buddha pace.

What Buddhism has taught me, is its all a practice, our brains are physically wired with certain habits and traits, slowing down and becoming more present and mindful may take years. But its something I want to attain in my life is to chop wood and carry water, the meaning of this proverb is to slow down and be present.

When our minds are constantly in the past or future we are in a way disrespecting the Dharma, the present moment is what the creation is revealing to you now, respect and connect with it.

Anyhow guys, get planting and chanting and doing your bit for nature and community!

Peace and love 

The Phantom Planter


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